A screenshot of the game’s structure, created on Twine

Play: Who’s It Gonna Be? A Digital Essay presented through Twine.

The boundaries between technology and romance are getting harder and harder to locate, what with the advent of popular dating apps and an increasing number of video game dating simulators. Here to celebrate this queerness, I’ve created a Twine game that connects the research I’ve done on these blurred boundaries in a rhizomatic fashion that’s just perfect for DH. In this game, you’ll find me considering a number of ways that digital scholars have approached this issue, as well an offering of my own (sort of my own… it’s appropriating).

OF COURSE I’ll be focusing on the Number 1 dating simulator in my heart: Dream Daddy.

This study not only asks who is playing these sorts of games, but how they’re going about playing them and
why. Through this analysis, I ultimately hope to show how digital and queer frameworks might be inherently complementary to one another.

While clicking through this Twine, keep an eye out for the YouTube player walkthrough compilations I created in order to better illustrate the ways in which players respond to the digital passion.

A closer view of the connections between passages on Twine