This research area includes the study (fabrication. characterization and modeling) of solid-state avalanche amorphous selenium photodetectors, in the form of thermally deposited thin films, as a viable direct/indirect conversion material that has been successfully developed for making large area X-ray image sensors. Amorphous Selenium is a high gain, wide-band gap, room-temperature semiconductor with ultra-low leakage current at high fields. Amorphous Selenium, detectors are linear mode gain devices with negligible excess noise, have high fill-factors and quantum efficiencies ~ 90 % in the blue wavelength.
Major Projects:
Associated Researchers:
- Atreyo Mukherjee, Dept. ECE, SBU
- Holethanh Triet, Dept. ECE, SBU
- Zhihang Han, Dept. ECE, SBU