Spatial variability of striped bass spawning responses to climate change

Xingdong Pan, Stephanie Arsenault, Katrina Rokosz and Yong Chen


A long-term ichthyoplankton monitoring program suggests climate-induced environmental variabilities changed fish communities in the Hudson River estuary

Hsiao-Yun Chang, Kim McKown, and Yong Chen


Evaluating effects of changing sampling protocol for a long-term ichthyoplankton monitoring program

Hsiao-Yun Chang, Katrina Rokosz, and Yong Chen


Spatiotemporal dynamics of spawning habitat distribution of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Hudson River Estuary under multi stressors (Under Review)

Hsiao-Yun Chang, Richard Pendleton, Gregg Kenney, Kim Mckown, William Eakin, John Maniscalco, and Yong Chen