
Stony Brook University has a array of IT teams, some of which serve the needs of specific academic units and some of which are university-wide. The IT Partners community is designed to not only gather IT teams from across the institution, but to also align support goals, strategic communications, and construct a first layer of governance to help guide decision making. The IT Partners is hosted by DoIT both online in on campus. Each semester, our goal is to gather the IT Partner community at least three times. Agendas are collaboratively constructed between DoIT and all IT Partners.

Goals of this Space

  • Use this space to share ideas, ask questions, comment, request or propose agenda items, and collaborate with your fellow IT professionals at Stony Brook University.
  • Become an active participant and help the Stony Brook IT community accelerate connections and solve problems by leveraging the collective experience and expertise of our IT Partners, Stony Brook Medicine IT staff, and central DoIT organization.

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