Summers are getting longer.  Is that good or bad for marine animals?  Read our press release about our new paper with led by Andrew Thomas at the University of Maine and our colleagues at Gulf of Maine Research Institute and NOAA.  The paper documents how quickly summer has lengthened in the last 33 years. You can get the paper here and read Nye lab member Lis Henderson‘s companion paper about the effects of earlier springs and longer summer on fish and macroinvertebrates 

Emily Markowitz is a 2018 finalist for the Knauss Fellowship 


Cecilia O’Leary received the Pikitch Family Endowed Student Research Award, awarded annually to recognize outstanding PhD research proposals.


Cecilia O’Leary was awarded first place in the SoMAS photo competition in the category of spirit for her photo of a Weddell seal in the Antarctic.


Teresa Schwemmer earns prestigious Graduate Council Fellowship, awarded annually to only a few select incoming Ph.D students.  She will be working on the effects of ocean acidification on fish physiology.  Welcome to the Nye lab, Teresa!


Adam Younes’ research on black sea bass was selected for the best SOMAS Master’s Thesis for 2015.   Adam finished his MS degree in August 2015 and has started an aquaculture business in Great South Bay.


Emily Markowitz earns the 2016 Undergraduate Recognition William J. Sullivan Award, the most prestigious service award Stony Brook presents to a graduating senior for academic accomplishments that go beyond the classroom experience.  Read more about Emily


Our work inspires art! Check out this video on how warming affects the Gulf of Maine ecosystem inspired in part by some of our work with collaborators at Gulf of Maine Research Institute, University of Maine, and NOAA ESRL


Cod’s Continuing Decline Linked to Warming of Gulf of Maine Waters: NYTimesPEW TrustNPR


Cecilia O’Leary named Population Dynamics FellowNOAA Seagrant NMFSSG Fellowship


Emily Markowitz completes Undergraduate Mote InternshipArticle


Press on Summer Flounder project: Fluke and Climate Change