I would like to further explore Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights, but in a modern sense of the idea. Like Bosch, my interpretation will also have three panels consisting of heaven and hell with earth in the middle, however the approach to painting will be very much different than that of Bosh, due to the various other styles of painting I have been exposed to. The depictions of figures and their actions will also be different due to the experiences I have had in my own life. However, the underlying theme will be to celebrate the beauty of life.
I always interpreted Garden of Earthly Delights as a Bosch’s way of explaining life on earth. We always have the idea of morals hanging over our heads, however, we live in a world where terrible and disturbing things happen every day. Just like in Bosch’s painting, when you look close at individual situations, good and evil things are happening all the time in the world but when you back up from the painting it becomes a complex but beautiful blend because their is no good without evil, happy without sad, cold without warm, ect. Through my work I would like to provide incite into the complex and often daunting world we live in today. Not to answer any questions but to represent my interpretation of the world I have been exposed to.
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