Final Photo Project Statement – Keegan F.
Topic: Autism Spectrum Disorder
What Is It?: It’s a development disorder that affects the way people develop natural skills in life. It has a vast amount of symptoms and effects, so anyone who has autism can be different from everyone else. About 1 in 54 children have this diagnosis in the United States.
Why Am I Covering This?: I have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum since I was three years old. Ever since I started my development, socializing and focusing on certain tasks have been especially difficult. In fact, I still struggle with it today. However, my diagnosis has been able to give me amazing strengths, like my sense of kindness and my increased amount of empathy for others. In short, I would like to highlight my life through the lens of my camera, as if they were my eyes.
This is a picture I did not take
Of the sand beneath my feet, the sound of waves breaking, an occasional shell poking the bottom of my foot, the sun halfway sinking into the water-filled horizon, groups of adults talking as they bathe in the sun’s rays, kids splashing in the cold water, seagulls flying and stealing food from families, the smell of salt crashing into my nose, the immense amount of peace filling my lungs with serenity, the wind carrying my negative thoughts away for a while, the beauty of the beach etching its mark on my soul.
Today for my narrative, we will be visiting a comic book store in New Paltz, NY! Here is what the outside of the building looks like.
As we head inside, we are within a different shop called “Isabella’s Treasures”. To reach the comics, we need to take these delightfully colorful stairs!
We’ve made it to the comics! This is the first case of comics that you see when you finish walking up the stairs. They include Marvel, DC and Disney comics.
Nicholas Nixon is a photographer who was born in 1947 and is well known for his portrait series, “The Brown Sisters”. He began his career by taking photographs of his wife, Bebe, and her other sisters. Ever since, he has been inspired by other famous photographers, such as Walker Evans and Edward Weston. His photography can be found in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, and the Museum of Fine Art in Boston.
“The Brown Sisters”
Part 1: Camera Studies
Part 2: Series of Images
“Woodlands #70”, Sue Abramson
“Alaskan Wolves”, Hiroshi Sugimoto
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