Today for my narrative, we will be visiting a comic book store in New Paltz, NY! Here is what the outside of the building looks like.

As we head inside, we are within a different shop called “Isabella’s Treasures”. To reach the comics, we need to take these delightfully colorful stairs!

We’ve made it to the comics! This is the first case of comics that you see when you finish walking up the stairs. They include Marvel, DC and Disney comics.

Some of the comics can be held with your hands, but you need to use hand sanitizer before touching any of the products. When comics are being sold to the public, they are aligned like this with little tabs, so that all of the issues are organized.

As you take a left turn into the room, you will find a massive area dedicated to Star Wars toys and books. They usually come from the 80s to the present-day, so they are suitable for all ages. With that, we have explored all of the store!