Ingle K, LaComb JF, Graves LM, Baines AT, Bialkowska AB. AUM302, a novel triple kinase PIM/PI3K/mTOR inhibitor, is a potent in vitro pancreatic cancer growth inhibitor. PLoS One. 2023 Nov 9;18(11):e0294065. Link.
Wiley MB, Bauer J, Alvarez V, Mehrotra K, Cheng W, Kolics Z, Giarrizzo M, Ingle K, Bialkowska AB, Jung B. Activin A signaling stimulates neutrophil activation and macrophage migration in pancreatitis. Scientific Reports. 2024 Apr 23;14(1):9382 Link.
Ingle, Komala, et al. “Sa1206 AUM-302, A NOVEL TRIPLE PIM/PI3K/MTOR INHIBITOR, IS A POTENT PANCREATIC CANCER GROWTH INHIBITOR.” Gastroenterology 164.6 (2023): S-326.
Ingle, Komala et al. “Radiation injury alters the epigenetic programs of the intestinal epithelium with ensuing regeneration.”
Presented at the Department of Medicine Annual Retreat, Stony Brook, NY. Sept 2024.
Presented at the Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (URECA) Annual Symposium, Stony Brook, NY. April 2024.
Presented at the Women in Medicine and Science Research Day, Stony Brook, NY. March 2024.
Ingle, Komala et al. “AUM302, a novel triple kinase PIM/PI3K/mTOR inhibitor, is a potent in vitro pancreatic cancer growth inhibitor.”
Presented at the Institute of Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Annual Symposium, Stony Brook, NY. Oct 2023.
Presented at Digestive Disease Week 2023, Chicago, IL. May 2023.
Women in Medicine and Science Research Day 2024Institute of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery Annual Symposium 2023