In Charge

March 5, 2014

Day two of being on the job. I am getting really comfortable with answering phone calls and making sure I am address any chats. It is a lot of multitasking but as long as I am professional and I do not ignore any one who needs help then I should be fine.

There were a few issues for the day. The first issue was a phone call and the faculty member had to save evaluations into a PDF form but she couldn’t because of whatever reason. The only way I knew how to save a document that is on the web in PDF file is when you “save as PDF”. I know you are able to do that on a Mac however on a PC, it was complicated to me because I do not normally work with PC. Originally she was on Firefox and it did not seem to have the option of “save as PDF”. I suggested for her to download Chrome, if she was allowed to and had the time to, and try if that worked because it worked when I used it on the Consultant computer. She did give it a try and she figured it out and it worked! I was very happy for her because she was very pleasant, although stressed, throughout the process.

The second issue was a cross between a chat and a phone call. It turned out there was a chat for me while I was on my previous phone call and I made a huge mistake of not addressing it. This is a lesson for me to learn and I learned it well. Thank goodness that the student called the help desk and I was able to help her accordingly. She was unable to log onto blackboard because she forgot her NetID password. I told her to log into her SOLAR account however she was no on a computer but was on her cellphone. When she tried logging into SOLAR on her mobile device, she was led to the mobile version of SOLAR which has limited options. I told her on the top right corner, there will be a gear looking icon and if she clicked that, she would be able to access the full site. She did that and it lead her to the full site.

She navigated her way through SOLAR and to NetID Maintenance and asked her to test her NetID pw to make sure she is typing it right and so on. It turns out that her password was wrong and she needed to change it. I let her know that it does take a few minutes (10-15 mins to be exact) for the change to occur. Unfortunately, she had a hard time logging into her blackboard and she was overdue for a quiz, I told her to talk to her instructor for something like that and to let him/her know of the issue. Although she was not mad at me, I can tell she was quite upset. I hope the best for her and that everything would go well.


In the end, I can help as many people I can and to the best of my abilities however I cannot solve everything. As I continue to address people’s issues, I realize that I may not have the power to solve everything but I can definitely try to make the clients’ lives a little easier.


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