Computers and Websites

April 3, 2014

I had to make up my shadowing hours from last week so I mentored Ming for one hour and Parth for the other hour. Usually I would mentor each for 30 mins.

With Ming, we reviewed OLLI and talked about networks, specifically networks in Stony Brook such as WolfieNet-Secure, Get Connected and Guest. We went over the PCs and Macs that consultants use and the difference between PCs and Macs regular users use. Such differences is access to different programs. The Macs are unable to print color where as the windows computer can. Consultants cannot access Pharos Remote on Mac computers and only windows. We reviewed how to open and read status pages and she also introduced me to Jorge on SB Connect. Although I already know who he is.

With Parth, I learned more about MySBfiles and the many different things you can do with it. Although we do not get that much room on our MySBfiles account, Parth taught me how to upload websites on it and how to access it on our own personal computers. Not many people are familiar with MYSBfiles even though they use it to store their documents when they use the computers in any of the SINC Sites.

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