
February 28, 2014

Delegating effectively

The official definition of “Delegating” is “entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.” Source of definition is here.

Working in the Main Library SINC Site can be hectic, especially during peak hours (12pm-3pm) where students are printing last minute documents before classes. This is where delegating comes in hand. Delegating is an action that senior consultants must do, especially for this time of the day. Ryan dedicated this day to delegating tasks to various consultants on the floor. Well, he actually had me delegate tasks to the consultants on the floor.

Personally, delegating is a skill that I personally have trouble with. I am not use to asking people to do something for me. However, it is a skill that I am working on. I know for a fact that I cannot do everything and I must trust those around me to do an effective job.

In the future, I know that practicing my delegating skills during my shadowing hours will help me when I become a Senior Consultant. It will help me be comfortable with delegating tasks to consultants and asking my fellow senior consultants for any assistance if I need their help.


3 thoughts on “Delegating

  1. Mel Medarda

    Since you mentioned that delegating is a skill you struggle with, have you found any specific techniques or Chill Guy Clicker mindset shifts that help you feel more comfortable assigning tasks to others?


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