Week 11- Walking Tour & SPARKY

April 18, 2014

Today is the last of our walking tours. These tours were incorporated because in the past, many senior consultants did not know where the less- known remote sites and where TLT supported computing sites are located.

Our first location is the Humanities SINC Site. The Humanities SINC Site is located in the Humanities Building in room 2046. This SINC Site is humanitiesopened late in the evening. Most of the times professors or instructors would reserve this room for class, such as WRT 102. It is a really neat site. I remember being in there during my freshmen year, now that I came back, I felt like sometime changed. I think it was the blue walls. The room has a nice feeling to it. The Humanities building is not that old so this is a relatively new SINC Site. The photo on the right is the inside of the SINC Site. The color scheme of the room is very calming.

The next stop is the Writing Center located in Room 2009. Although it is not really a SINC site, TLT supports it. It is the place where students who need help with their writing go in and get help. It is a nice collaborative space and I can see lots of one-on-one appointments happening there. I am grateful to know of this writing center because I feel that I will use this knowledge to assist with my writing as well as let others know about this great center.

After Humanities, we trekked our way to the Life Sciences building where the Life Sciences SINC Site was located. The Life Sciences SINC Life-SciencesSite, also known as the Biology SINC Site, is located in the Life Sciences Building in 022. The first time I was there was when Valentino and I had to deliver some chairs for Pam. It is a pretty interesting building and site. There was a class in the site so we did not have a chance to go in. This is a remote site that has strange hours too. Usually these hours are in the evening or afternoon depending on the day and it does not open as frequently.  The photo on the right is the image of how the SINC Site looks on the inside. It is pretty room inside and there are a lot of computers to use.

Lastly we went to Social and Behavioral Sciences Building (SBS). In this building we went to the SINC Site which is located in N-620. This SINC Site has a public area as well as a classroom area. As our last stop, all of us stayed in the classroom area and our current senior consultant, Nam, was preparing to teach us about SPARKY.


SPARKY is a UNIX platform. It is often used by computer science majors to code.  Each of the interns were required to activate their SPARKY Accounts prior to this day so we can play around with the program. It is important for us to familiarize with this program because there will be computer science majors who will ask us how to use this and if they have an account. I found this quite exciting because I have started to code, but only a little. As a Psychology major, coding does not play a huge role in my studies unless I am going to go into the field of artificial intelligence and work with robots. Nam taught us how to code and how to use SPARKY to bring up our own website. We started to do HTML coding on Notepad and then transferred to Adobe Dreamweaver. I got a chance to practice what I learned during winter session. At first, I had a hard time recalling certain elements however as I continued experiment, I started to remember a little bit of what I learned on my own.

We created a sample site. Here is my sample site.

I plan on making my sample site much better and improving on the layout.

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