Week 14- Final Presentation: DoIT/Faculty Center & TLL (Media Lab)

May 9, 2014

Today was the last and final day of the TLT Internship. We had our last two presenters.

TLTMedia Lab

 Media Lab: Jennifer Yi and Jasmine Blennau

Our first presentation is by Jennifer Y. and Jasmine B. They presented on the Teaching Learning lab specifically the Media Lab with Paul St. Denis. We learned a lot about the services that the media lab provides such as printing huge posters. Paul and his team is working on something called gamification. He is trying to make mini games that will help students understand certain concepts and how certain machines (ie. centrifuge).

do it and fc

DoIT & Faculty Center: Hilton Au, Charles (Seong) Ji & Sharon Chen

Our final presentation was presented by Hilton A., Charles J, and Sharon C. They presented on two departments, Division of Information Technology (DoIT) and the Faculty Center.

The Faculty Center is very important for instructors especially if they want to learn how to incorporate technology into the courses. There are many resources that are geared towards faculty. On the website to the left outlines a little bit of what is being offered and it also contains the actual link to the faculty center website.

Division of Information Technology is the big umbrella and encompasses all the departments that we presented about. DoIT tries it best to advertise it’s services through the SCALA TVs, SB You Platform, and through word of mouth. One thing that DoIT has been on lately is Yammer. It is a social media platform that connects all the professional staff, faculty and students in Stony Brook University. Through Yammer, we can get updates from the CIO Cole Camplese and from other groups on campus. It’s really cool. We learned about heart bleed and other issues on campus. The SB You platform has been used widely by many people on campus and there are many discussions on yammer about that.

This day has been bittersweet however I am glad that my fellow interns and I have been successful in our journey. I have left my final words and thoughts on this post.

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