Week 9- ESS, Harriman Hall and E-Portfolios

April 4, 2014

All the interns and instructors were to meet at the SINC Site in Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) building. I did not know that we had a SINC Site in the ESS Building so I was glad that I know were it is. It is generally used for classes. We noticed a few signs that needed to be put in the ESS SINC Site to instruct teachers and TAs how to use the projector.

After the ESS SINC Site, we went to Harriman Hall SINC Site. The site manager who is in charge of Harriman Hall SINC Site is also in charge of ESS SINC Site. I have been to the Harriman Hall SINC Site before so being there was not new to me.

We had a guest speaker. She is an E-Portfolio Consultant and she gave a presentation about what a good E-Portfolios look like, what to put in it, different workshops available to take to enhance your e-portfolio, etc. She was very informative and has an interesting sense of humor. I definitely liked the examples of great e-portfolios to show us what other students have done. I definitely like the examples where students used their on code and made their e-portfolios into something that was different from the standard template.

I plan on using CSS to make my e-portfolio unique. The current template seems too plain for me. A small project such as including CSS into my e-portfolio will definitely help me understand more about CSS and how to make layouts. I started to self-teach myself coding through Code Academy. It is a great site that will help you learn the basics of HTML/CSS. You are able to work your way up and learn more about coding. If I continue to work towards modifying my e-portfolio, I know that I am able to practice what I’ve learned.

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