Book Favorites


A full list of some of my all-time favorite books! You’ll never find anything scary/gory here because I simply cannot handle that. Here are my wholesome, good reads that have all changed my life in the best ways!

1. All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten, by Robert Fulghum

This book has come with me on everywhere; cross-country trips, weekends upstate, doctors offices, cafes, etc. It is a perfect book to whip out when you need to remember that the world isn’t completely rubbish. Fulghum compiles short-essays in a way that makes you laugh, think, and look at the world through rose colored lenses. My copy is dingy and beat up, but I will never stop carrying it with me.

2. How Not To Die, by Michael Greger

When I first transitioned to a vegan lifestyle in 2017, I wanted ALL the facts. This book by Dr. Michel Greger not only explains the benefits of a plant-based diet, but provides all the science/articles behind it. Broken down into 15 sections, Greger dives into meat/dairy/animal product and their relation to the top chronic, preventable diseases. Super informative; I have sticky notes on almost every page. If you a new to veganism or want to know more on how to stay healthy, this is a must-read.

3. Atomic Habits, by James Clear

Need a boost of “you can do this”? Atomic Habits walks you through the logistics and importance of creating routines and how the compounding factors influence your life. James Clear is candid and open about his personal experience with this lifestyle and the power it has to redirect your future. Five minutes of reading this book will have you rethinking/reworking your life as you know it.

4. Give A Sh*t, by Ashlee Piper

“Do good. Live better. Save the planet.” Piper couldn’t have described this book better if she tried. She gives you all the facts on environmentalism, plant based eating, sustainability, and more. Piper holds your hand as she educates us on how to live kinder, lighter and better. Written with humor and sass, Ashlee is sure to turn into your go-to gal for all the things. It is a great handbook to keep around when trying to live a gentler life!

5. Red, White & Royal Blue, by Casey McQuiston

This. Book. Wrecked. Me. In the best of ways. A love story between two people with all the elements against them, written with some incredible humor and suspense. Plus, who doesn’t love British characters? This book had me sending crying Snapchats to all the friends who made me read it. I read this on the Libby app, but definitely need a physical copy to sob into the next time I read it.

6. One Day In December, by Josie Silver

I love a good love story, okay? This story is a tangled mess of crossed storylines and relationships. Nothing too suspenseful which is great for a scaredy-cat like me, yet I always wanted to know what happened next. A perfect read for any time, but especially during the holidays. Another English read- which, as you know, I love.

7. In Five Years, by Rebecca Serle

Proceed with caution. This book…hurts. A great story that will make you want to hug your friends and look a life a little less serious. I only recommend this because if I HAD TO SUFFER THIS PAIN, SO DO YOU.

8. Ella Minnow Pea, by Mark Dunn

SUCH A SILLY AND FUN BOOK. I flew through it. Off the coast of the Carolina’s is a small island that loves the art of the English language. As time passes, letters are banned from their alphabet. Written from the POV of the characters, the book itself begins to eliminate letters too. I loved getting to decode the words and see the creative way the author avoids using banned letters. Read it, love it, recommend it.

9. If We’re Not Married by 30, by Anna Bell

Listen. I love a sappy British love story. I don’t know what else to say. Another light read about friendship turned love story with lots of turmoil. Great for all the romantics out there like myself. I really savor this ish up, y’all.

10. Tough As They Come, by Marcus Brotherton Travis Mills

Five soldier’s have survived quadruple amputee injuries; Travis Mills is one of them. A true story about a solider’s experience with deployment, relationships and rehabilitation. This is an incredible read for everyone, but gives a particularly important message for myself and others in the health care field.


Books I Plan To Read:

  • The Flatshare, by Beth O’Leary
  • I Thought It Was Just Me, by Brene Brown
  • It Was On Fire When I Lay Down On It, by Robert Fulghum
  • Untamed, by Glennon Doyle



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