Magic Mirror Team UI-Design
<Showing Clothes with a detailed explanation>
Just until recently, many people may not have heard about virtual reality (VR) or understand its concept. Today, virtual reality experiences are becoming more available around us. Virtual reality is simply referred to as VR, and the concept behind it reflects its name, which basically allows people to experience different realities through scenarios that are generated by computers. One of the ways this can be achieved is through a headset and a motion tracking device that gives people the sense that they are placed in a different universe with its life-like qualities. There are many other VR devices that are constantly developing, with one of the great inventions being the 3-D virtual fitting machine.
The 3D virtual fitting machine is used for people that enjoy shopping but do not actually want to try on clothes to save time. With this technology, they do not have to feel obligated to try on or physically test new clothing, hairstyle, make-up and accessories that they want to buy. The only requirement is that they simply just stand in front of this virtual machine, in the form of a mirror, and it will virtually show them how they would look with the new style. It would certainly be interesting to utilize this virtual machine as a method to virtually try on various countries’ traditional clothing or of those from different eras. This technology was first invented in 2014 by Microsoft as an application called “Try On” using a virtual mirror to try on new clothes with the swipe of the fingers.
Our group chose this technology to apply it to Long Island Museum. Visitors, from children to adults, could use this virtual mirror as a way to try on traditional or historical clothes of Long Island. People do not have to spend extra time to try on these clothes, only to change back into their normal clothes right after. Also, museum can preserve their clothing, which is both cost and time efficient.
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Persona type: Enthusiastic and adventurous learner
Name: Meghan Johnson
Age: 14
Location: Long Island
Technical comfort: Proficient use of technology
Job title: Student
Meghan is a high school student with a strong interest for fashion and history. She enjoys spending her time learning about historical characters. She likes spending time at museums because they are like playground for people who share her interest.
She comes to the Long Island museum and tries Magic Mirror. She likes it because it is a great exhibition of fashion of the past. With little effort Meghan gets to try out a lot of old-fashioned outfit. She even gets the idea of recreating one for a halloween show in her high school.
Meghan is amazed by old-fashioned clothing. She finds that it can expensive to recreate some of her favorite attires from the past. She is a frequent visitor to the museum and she thinks Magic Mirror is a great addition to the exhibition.
Ideal Experience
“Magic Mirror is the ideal combination of my interests, its user-friendly interface provides an enjoyable learning experience.”
Project Title:
Magic Mirror (Augmented reality-based clothing assistance)
Brief Description :
Magic Mirror, our team’s next-generation Augmented Reality mirror, lets users try on clothes in the past and easy-to-understand information about the past period. The cameras on the top of a full-length touchscreen (mirror) track the person’s body and shows the final fitting results on the screen.
Magic Mirror is a creative and highly effective education and entertainment tool to attract and engage users in the museum. It solves all problems of the existing ‘experience exhibition space’. It offers a variety of clothes that could fit to all (no age, gender, size matter) in a few seconds without limited place and space matter.
Target Audience(s) :
Age range: (preferred) 10+
General educational level: ANY
Computer/technology literacy: Comfortable using touchscreen
Technology access (own computer? network connection? broadband?) : Unnecessary
Occupation: ANY (Children, Student,etc..)
Environment (work, school, library…): Museum (but, it could be anywhere it is needed)
Socioeconomic group: ANY
Gender, Race, or Ethnic group if applicable: ANY
Language (specific terminology as well): American English
Special needs (disabilities): None
Cultural preferences: None
Client or Collaborator (potential funding partner, content expertise, site for field testing): TBD
Contact information
Organization web site
Brief description of company, institution or service (years in operation, clientel)
Similar/competitive products in genre:
Augmented reality has already been applied in many marketing fields and workspace. As ‘Pokémon Go’ was sensational in few years, augmented reality is really booming. We get an idea from the many clothing company’s campaigns. Clothing Company promotes the newest collection by creating a virtual fitting room in their shops. They could freely change outfit and make changes anytime.
But, that’s it. Their contents are just to promote and sell their product. We do believe AR technology has a broader market. Education. While other AR product contents are diversified, educational contents couldn’t. According to ISACA survey, in daily life, 69% believed that the tech could help them learn new skills and knowledge. (Seabery, 2018) It shows that AR educational contents have so many possibilities.
Our team’s approach offers a fun and educational way for users to learn about the history. Many AR products tend to has commercial uses (advertising and marketing), so that many people could not experience and enjoy augmented reality in real life. Still, many people feel very distant from AR technology due to lack exposure), even though it has already made much progress. As this product will be placed at the museum, we desired to make opportunity for people to experience this technology in flexible and fun ways. Also, it contains educational information. AR can help users become more engaged by offering new ways of content on a deeper level. They will see not just clothes but all information related to it about its history and how it created.
Full Description:
Task Analysis (needs, desired outcomes): The purpose of this project is to design AR clothing assistance that would be placed in the museum. Since ‘Magic Mirror’ has a purpose of education and entertainment, a design of it should be friendly and easy-to-use. Also, High Quality of Image and details need to be implemented so that people are satisfied. Require to keep all data accurate (Verified) and up-to-date all times.
Use model (environment, workflow): Stand close to the product and it will detect users’ movement.
Architecture (stand-alone or client/server…): ‘Magic Mirror’ will be a stand-alone application.
Repertoire of functionality (list of significant features): Auto-detect of people is the default. Once it detects the person’s movement, screen display ‘options’ to make a perfect fit for users.
Distribution and dissemination: This model could be utilized in many museums. Just need to update materials regarding the right theme of the museum. This model is very simple, but have endless possibilities of application. Distribution could possibly begin in various museums.
Business model (retail, subscription?): No need to subscription, single payment from the user to purchase
Support (user help, updates): Variety of clothes would be available on this model, so continuous updates will be provided.
Special Requirements: TBD
Novel input/output hardware (transducers and actuators)
Fabrication needs (props, environments)
Software development tools
Timberland Augmented Reality Campaign
Statistic about AR market
Magic Mirror, our team’s next-generation Augmented Reality mirror, lets users try on clothes in the past and easy-to-understand information about the past period. The cameras on the top of a full-length touchscreen (mirror) track the person’s body and shows the final fitting results on the screen.
Magic Mirror is a creative and highly effective education and entertainment tool to attract and engage users in the museum. It solves all problems of the existing ‘experience exhibition space’. It offers variety clothes that could fit to all (no age, gender, size matter) in a few seconds without limited place and space matter.