Month: June 2015

Hosting a Web Page on Google Drive

NOTE!!!! Google has deprecated this feature as of 8/31/2015.  Hosting services via Google Drive will be disabled on August 31, 2016 I had a web server crash and needed a place to store some web pages before I migrated them to another platform.  I did a little research to see what my options were and…Continue Reading Hosting a Web Page on Google Drive


WOLFERIZE! Based on the Raptorize Code available here: Using Jquery 2.0.3 through the code here: Wolfie image from SBPress   Activate Wolfie on your web page and listen as he howls across your screen.  Or, activate Wolfie using the Konami code, using your keyboard: UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B…Continue Reading WOLFERIZE!

Changes to YouTube RSS Feed API

If anyone uses YouTube’s RSS feed feature, I discovered that YouTube’s API changed recently (4/20/2015). I was previously loading an RSS feed of my seminar video recordings using this feed: That link no longer works. Instead, you have to change it to the following format: This is an RSS feed of videos contained…Continue Reading Changes to YouTube RSS Feed API