UPDATE 202x: Picasaweb is dead UPDATE 2017-02-09 I found a slight solution that works but who knows for how long. If you upload your photo albums using an old version of Picasa and set the permissions to public on the album when you upload, you can use existing Flash photo album code to display an…Continue Reading Migrating from Picasaweb to Google Photos and Slideshows on WordPress
The SoMAS Website (Part 2)
This is Part 2 of my write up on the SoMAS Website. This post discusses the changes I have implemented on the existing website created by AWP from 2011 to late 2014. Alumni Database and People Directory Lists of our alumni were available on the SoMAS website as six different pages, organized by either…Continue Reading The SoMAS Website (Part 2)
Photospheres at Stony Brook University
Photospheres are awesome 360+ degree images that capture the entire area around the camera. The most recognizable form of photosphere is Google Maps’s Streetview, which allows you to visit locations and see what it would look like from your car window. Thankfully, newer smartphones are now capable of capturing photospheres. Stony Brook University has a…Continue Reading Photospheres at Stony Brook University
Using Icon Fonts in all content
Elegant Themes, creators of the Divi theme, have a nice resource for icon fonts: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/resources/elegant-icon-font They also have a good resource for the customization options available with Icon fonts: How To Use And Embed An Icon Font On Your Website It just isn’t entirely obvious how you can use icon fonts anywhere you’d like on…Continue Reading Using Icon Fonts in all content
Redirect a post or page to another URL
I have a few vanity URLs on my sites that I use to forward a URL to a particular page deeper on my website and wanted to maintain that feature on WordPress/SB You. A Google search revealed From this link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7320145/html-redirect-within-body-tags The following was suggested: If you can use Javascript, something like this should help…Continue Reading Redirect a post or page to another URL
Hosting a Web Page on Google Drive
NOTE!!!! Google has deprecated this feature as of 8/31/2015. Hosting services via Google Drive will be disabled on August 31, 2016 I had a web server crash and needed a place to store some web pages before I migrated them to another platform. I did a little research to see what my options were and…Continue Reading Hosting a Web Page on Google Drive
WOLFERIZE! Based on the Raptorize Code available here: http://zurb.com/playground/jquery-raptorize Using Jquery 2.0.3 through the code here: https://github.com/acrogenesis/raptorize Wolfie image from SBPress Activate Wolfie on your web page and listen as he howls across your screen. Or, activate Wolfie using the Konami code, using your keyboard: UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B…Continue Reading WOLFERIZE!
Changes to YouTube RSS Feed API
If anyone uses YouTube’s RSS feed feature, I discovered that YouTube’s API changed recently (4/20/2015). I was previously loading an RSS feed of my seminar video recordings using this feed: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/PL73209708FA681CD7 That link no longer works. Instead, you have to change it to the following format: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?playlist_id=PL73209708FA681CD7 This is an RSS feed of videos contained…Continue Reading Changes to YouTube RSS Feed API