Pavlov’s Fridge is a platform for embedded devices to incentivize behavior based on goals. A connected device within the refrigerator is able to lock and unlock snacks or other goods. Once programmed goals are obtained, Pavlov’s Fridge will unlock allowing access to the compartment. Software and apps are able to link to-do lists, fitbits, and more. An additional feature allows an app and/or a website to automatically open and close the lid on demand.
3D printing allows Pavlov’s Fridge to become used in broader applications. This product would be embedded into the fridge. 3D printing allows us to provide endless customizations to our product, allowing customers to specify at purchase what kind of design they would prefer based on use. For example, more ventilation could be added, or the walls could be printed with an insulated material to hold things such as ice cream or frozen foods. This could be ideal for children unable to reach the freezer but have completed their to do list.
Team members: Mariah Geritano, Akash Kumar, Jeff Kerns, Ivy Cheung, Shuyu Chen
This project received the second place prize at the “Think inside the ice box” Makerbot/ Firstbuild Hackathon
Link to FirstBuild entry: