Breach Irony: Experian

Another breach, you say? Yawn.

How many this time? 10,000 records? 20,000? 1 Million?

No, those numbers are small potatoes. How about 15 million? Caught your attention yet? Probably not. But stay tuned from some breach irony!

Experian, was breached. They are a large credit check company. Perhaps you’ve used one of their websites before, namely, an Experian company. Have no fear if you did! You are likely unaffected by the breach, unless of course you are also a T-Mobile customer. You see, T-Mobile used them to credit check their potential customers, and those individuals make up the list of victims this time around.

GREAT NEWS THOUGH! If you are one of those poor saps, you have qualified for TWO COMPLETELY FREE YEARS OF CREDIT MONITORING by…ahem…am I reading this right??? Ahh, I love the irony…

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How many free years of credit monitoring have you accumulated? Share some details in the comments below.

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5 thoughts on “Breach Irony: Experian

  1. Great Post!!!!!
    I do find it interesting that they offer a feature call “Internet Scan” which ask for your credit card, debit card and Health Insurance Card. I know that Health Insurance Card information is actually more valuable in the “dark web”

    I bet that by us providing such information on Experian sites will not only contribute to our own doom but it will help those black hackers to obtain more information about us in the future. I know that because unfortunately this will happen again and again

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