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In today’s society, the world is at our fingertips with the touch of a screen. Computers, smart phones, and tablets are inventions that have significantly altered our everyday lives. The next progression in this technology evolution is the use of artificial intelligence in robots, which will become one of the greatest innovations of all time and completely alter society as we know it. This technology is constantly changing and evolving, and I believe that within twenty years, robots will be a plausible and normal part of our world.
I envision a world in which robots will live among us, working and helping humans in sectors such as healthcare, physical rehabilitation, education and with everyday tasks. These robots will be designed to look and feel as human as possible, and will be integrated into our society, almost indistinguishable from humans themselves. They will walk among us, live in our houses and function like human beings. Through these human interactions and their own artificial intelligence, robots will be able to learn and adapt, becoming smarter over time. They will be able to pick up and mimic facial expressions and human emotions, and become as creative, conscious and capable as any human. Movies such as I, Robot and Ex Machina have shown the dangers of robots that demonstrate a very high level of artificial intelligence and then outsmart their human creators. If these movies have taught us anything it is that we must be aware of the risk that human-like robots can pose if there is not enough oversight. This is why robots should not have human rights, but instead, their own set of robot laws.
Robots can be a very valuable and useful part of human life. They will behave as human as possible through the extensive use of artificial intelligence, can help in many sectors of society and do jobs that humans don’t want to do. But we must remember that the smarter they become, the more control we lose over them.
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