About the Lab

Lab Mission

The Mental Healthcare for All Lab mission is to increase the accessibility and availability of quality mental health services to all who need them. Due to the vast inequities that exist in our society along classed, gendered, and racialized lines, our work is especially concerned with improving services for those impacted by these inequities.

What We Do

Many of our lab’s projects seek to combat health inequities by strengthening, expanding, and integrating our public mental health and social service systems. Our lab works directly with local and state governments, publicly funded mental health agencies, therapists, and people seeking treatment to conduct our mental health services and policy research. We believe that it is essential to center the voices and needs of those on the front lines to ensure that our research has the most impact. We use mixed methods—both qualitative and quantitative—to conduct our work because we are committed to deeply understanding the lived experiences of those we seek to support.

Guiding Framework

The work at the Mental Healthcare for All Lab is guided by an adapted version of the Policy Ecology framework of implementation of evidence-based practices in public mental health settings (Raghavan, Bright, & Shadoin, 2008). Our research seeks to develop interventions at multiple levels—from the social and political to the clinical. We believe that a multi-level approach is the only approach that will allow us to improve population mental health.


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