Innovative Implementation Research Designs


Date/Time: October 11th, 12-1:30pm ET

Panelists: Drs. Geoffrey Curran & Kate Guastaferro

Panel Recording

A recording of this panel is available by clicking here.

Learning Objectives

  1. Define the concept of intervention optimization in comparison to the classical treatment package approach of intervention development
  2. Describe what it means to strategically balance intervention effectiveness with implementation constraints (affordability, scalability, efficiency)
  3. Define and describe hybrid effectiveness-implementation studies, which combine research questions about an intervention’s effectiveness and its implementation
  4. Describe approaches for conducting hybrid type 1 studies, which attempt to understand the relative “implementability” of interventions while studying their effectiveness

Recommended Readings

Baloh, J., Curran, G. M., Timko, C., Grant, K. M., & Cucciare, M. A. (2022). Al-Anon Intensive Referral (AIR): A qualitative formative evaluation for implementation. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 132, 108520.

Curran, G. M., Landes, S. J., McBain, S. A., Pyne, J. M., Smith, J. D., Fernandez, M. E., Chambers, D. A., & Mittman, B. S. (2022). Reflections on 10 years of effectiveness-implementation hybrid studies. Frontiers in Health Services, 2, 1053496.

Guastaferro, K., & Collins, L. M. (2021). Optimization methods and implementation science: An opportunity for behavioral and biobehavioral interventions. Implementation Research and Practice, 2, 263348952110543.

Szeszulski, J., & Guastaferro, K. (2024). Optimization of implementation strategies using the Multiphase Optimization STratgey (MOST) framework: Practical guidance using the factorial design. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 14(9), 505–513.