Implementing Contextually Sensitive and Culturally Humble Care


Date/Time: January 21st, 11-12:30pm ET

Panelists: Drs. Anna Lau, Ana Baumann, & Maggi Price

Panel Recording

A recording of this panel is available by clicking here.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe multiple approaches to the adaptation of evidence-based practice (EBPs) for diverse children and families
  2. Distinguish between adaptations described by community therapists that can promote more versus less extensive EBP strategy delivery
  3. Identify situations where therapists may need more implementation support in delivering EBP strategies with diverse families seen in community settings
  4. Define equity and the importance of considering equity in an explicit manner during their practice
  5. Understand the importance of reflexivity when selecting, adapting and implementing evidence based practices
  6. Identify and describe three D&I frameworks (e.g., CFIR, RE-AIM, EPIS) that can be used to guide the implementation of culturally sensitive and culturally humble care practices in mental health settings
  7. Identify and apply three D&I methods (e.g., community-engaged research, hybrid-effectiveness studies, policy dissemination research) to assess and enhance the effectiveness of culturally humble care interventions for diverse populations
  8. Identify key principles of community engagement and explain how involving stakeholders in the development and evaluation of interventions improves cultural relevance and enhances adoption in diverse healthcare settings
  9. Evaluate methods for integrating community feedback into the implementation process using techniques such as community-based participatory research (CBPR) and human-centered design (HCD) to ensure that interventions are both effective and acceptable to the target population

Recommended Readings

Alexander, S. A., Jones, C. M., Tremblay, M.-C., Beaudet, N., Rod, M. H., & Wright, M. T. (2020). Reflexivity in health promotion: A typology for training. Health Promotion Practice, 21(4), 499–509.

Baumann, A. A., & Cabassa, L. J. (2020). Reframing implementation science to address inequities in healthcare delivery. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), 190.

Kim, J. J., Brookman‐Frazee, L., Barnett, M. L., Tran, M., Kuckertz, M., Yu, S., & Lau, A. S. (2020). How community therapists describe adapting evidence‐based practices in sessions for youth: Augmenting to improve fit and reach. Journal of Community Psychology, 48(4), 1238–1257.

Price, M. A., Barnett, M. L., Cerezo, A., Broder-Fingert, S., & Matsuno, E. (2024). Employing dissemination and implementation science to promote mental health equity for transgender youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 156, 107356.

Price, M., Mulkern, P.J., Condon, M., Rakhilin, M., Johansen, K., Lyon, A.R., Saldana, L., Pachankis, J., Woodward, S.A., Roeder, K.M., Moran, L.R., Jerskey, B.A. (under review). Leveraging community engagement and human-centered design for health equity: Developing multilevel implementation strategies to enhance adoption of gender-affirming psychotherapy.

Sims, D. A., & Naidu, T. (2024). How to … do decolonial research. The Clinical Teacher, 21(6), e13806.

Yu, S. H., Brookman-Frazee, L., Kim, J. J., Barnett, M. L., Wright, B., & Lau, A. S. (2022). Therapist adaptations to evidence-based practices and associations with implementation outcomes in child therapy sessions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 90(1), 39–50.