Moving Beyond the Clinic


Date/Time: March 14th, 2-3:30pm ET

Panelists: Drs. Lisa Saldana, Courtney Benjamin Wolk, & Gwen Lawson

Registration Link:

Panel Recording

A recording of this panel will be available within a few days of March 7th.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the multiple levels of partnership that are necessary to implement programs at public system levels
  2. Learn examples of strategies to engage parents in community-delivered prevention and treatment interventions
  3. Understand challenges and benefits of implementing mental health services in nonspecialty settings
  4. Describe at least two implementation strategies that are considered promising for use in nonspecialty mental health settings
  5. Describe the role of teachers and other non-mental health professionals in promoting positive youth mental health outcomes
  6. Identify key barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence-based practices in school settings

Recommended Readings

Lyon, A. R., Connors, E. H., Lawson, G. M., Nadeem, E., & Owens, J. S. (2024). Implementation science in school mental health: A 10-year progress update and development of a new research agenda. School Mental Health, 16(4), 1013–1037.

Saldana, L., Chapman, J. E., Campbell, M., Alley, Z., Schaper, H., & Padgett, C. (2021). Meeting the needs of families involved in the child welfare system for parental substance abuse: Outcomes from an effectiveness trial of the families actively improving relationships program. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 689483.

Singh, R. R., Peterson, J. M., Chapman, J., & Saldana, L. (2024). Swimming against the current: Addressing community needs and establishing partnerships for the prevention of opioid and methamphetamine use among parents. Prevention Science, 25(1), 193–198.

Wolk, C. B., Arnold, K. T., & Proctor, E. K. (2022). Implementing evidence-based practices in nonspecialty mental health settings. Families, Systems, & Health, 40(2), 274–282.