Part A:

Greg Dunn, Self Reflected

This work is a print, made in a variety of colors and lights which together are very intriguing. It is stated that this work is one of the most detailed of part of the brain. 


Stimulated We Stand A.N. Hegde

We neurons are social beings

We like to make connections

like tree branches

gently nudging each other

or in a fierce embrace

called the synapse

We like a little transmission

every now and then

from our kith and kin

whether they are far or near

or else we withdraw and wither

[This poem was interesting to me as it really visually explains the connections of neurons]

Bored Neuron A.N. Hegde

I sit here

in the gray matter

waiting, waiting

for the neurotransmitter

to jolt me

to get me

excited, to realize

my action potential

to send the thrill

of an electric current

down my axon

[ I enjoy this poem most because I truly connect with it. I sometimes feel this waiting for an idea to spark and get me excited. I like the concept of a “Bored Neuron”.]