• Review of Options for 2016 Black Sea Bass Recreational Measures and Selection of Preferred Option
  • Discussion of H.R. 3070, Bill by NY Rep. Zeldin to allow fishing for striped bass in a portion of the EEZ off NY
  • Annual report to the commissioner
  • Approval of January 2016’s meeting Minutes

2016 Winter Meeting Summary

NYDEC Black Sea Bass 2016 MEMO

BLACK SEA BASS – Latest news
At the Council meeting held 3/23/16 the DEC provided a table of various options with regard to the reduction of black sea bass quota for the recreational sector.  From the options provided (see below) a motion was made by Councilor Paradiso, seconded by Councilor Witek –  Motion:  Move to adopt option 15.3 for the New York 2016 recreational black sea bass fishery (Option 15.3, Possession limit 5/8/10, Season July 8th-August 31st/September 1st-October 31st/November 1st-December 31st, Size 15.0″)  Since there wasn’t a quorum present at the meeting, the vote was later handled via email.  The results are:  Yays (6), Nays (4), Abstentions (2), No vote (1),  Motion passes.