Monthly Archives: January 2017


Dr. Emmanuelle Pales Espinosa and Pr. Bassem Allam presenting their research  on mollusk bivalves  on Saturday 21st of January with the help of Gelinas Junior High School student Norah Allam.

What a great time to observe oysters, mussels and adult and 3 months old baby clams filtering seawater. Marine biologists set up a microscope and children and their family were able to observe dissected gill of bivalves processing juicy algae!

Strange But True: Oysters Love Sweets Too!

January 21, 2017

Everybody love sweets so do oysters, clams and mussels. Join us as we meet with Dr. Emmanuelle Pales Espinosa from Stony Brook University and learn how these fantastic organisms feed but also how they select their food from a complex plankton mix with no eyes, no hands, no nose and no taste buds.

Enjoy hands on activities and video.


100 minutes to clean up water. Video by E. Pales Espinosa.