Pr. Jackie Collier and Ph.D. student Mariana Ruis presenting their research on labyrinthulomycetes to visitors on Saturday 20th of May. Children and their family had the opportunity to observe microorganisms using microscopes and to learn about tiny strange creatures that live in the ocean.
Monthly Archives: May 2017
May 20, 2017 @ 1PM – Microorganisms.
Friend or Foe? Why some odd organisms with strange names matter to you! Meet with Pr. Jackie Collier from Stony Brook University as she will present a strange group of microscopic organisms you’ve probably never heard of, and likely to affect your life in some way…. the fascinating labyrinthulomycetes. These organisms are known to cause devastating marine diseases, while others are used to supplement aquaculture feed and even baby formula with essential fatty acids; all are a fundamental part of marine ecosystems.
Professor Jackie Collier and Labyrinthulomycetes.
Photo Credit: Enixy Collado Mercado,
Stony Brook University
“it’s the first time in my life I have seen plankton” said an amazed senior visitor.
It’s never too late to learn! Another wonderful time at the LIA with Dr. Theresa Hatterath-Lehmann and several members from the Gobler’s lab (Jennifer Goleski, Dr Yoonja Kang, Megan Ladds and Benjamin Kramer). Visitors discovered with stupefaction how a droplet of seawater can be rich in living organisms.