Jeffrey Levinton

June 23, 2018 – Fiddler Crabs: Lovers and Fighters of the Marshes.

Jeffrey Levinton, Stony Brook University.

Fiddler crabs are found all over quiet beaches and salt marshes of Long Island. They may be small but males have a giant claw, used for signaling to attract females and to fight off competing males and predators such as raccoons and birds. They guard their hole and can dash to safety by means of their astounding vision. They also help salt marsh plants to grow and can move in herds of tens of thousands. Meet with a local Marine Biologist and learn exciting facts about this sea creature.


File:Fiddler Crabs at Indian River Lagoon - Flickr - Andrea Westmoreland.jpg

Photo credit:

Worms’ World: nutrient cycling in marine muds

Mai 19, 2018 – Worms’ World: nutrient cycling in marine muds.

Robert Aller, Stony Brook University.

Most gardeners know that earthworms and beneficial insects are critically important for a fertile soil and healthy crops.  Far fewer people appreciate that worms, clams, and other mud-dwelling animals play a similar role for coastal marine ecosystems. Along with a local Scientist, we will examine how animals living in muds promote nutrient recycling, fertilize phytoplankton, and clean-up coastal waters.

Lugworm castPhoto credit : Original photo taken by Nick Veitch on Ballyholme Beach, Bangor, Co.Down, N.Ireland.

Got Seagrass?

April 21, 2018 – Got Seagrass?

Soren Dahl, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Long Island has seagrass in its waters, but it needs help. On Saturday April 21, Dr. Soren Dahl,  a Marine Biologist that works with New York’s Marine Resources, at the Department of Environmental Conservation help Long Island Aquarium visitors understand why local seagrass are important, how we benefit from this habitat, and some conservation initiatives.

Protecting the East Coast from Future Storms

March 17, 2018 – Protecting the East Coast from Future Storms.

Malcolm Bowman, Stony Brook University.

As climate change brings higher temperatures and more violent storms, flooding in parts of New York City and Long Island area could become as routine as the heavy snows of this winter. Meet with a local oceanography professor and learn how sea level rise could turn NYC into Venice.

Life and death under the sea

February 17, 2018  Bassem Allam, Stony Brook University.

Parasites are cool! Parasitism is the most common “way of life” on earth and infectious diseases cause devastating losses in human and animal lives. Join us to learn about some of the most important diseases that impact local shellfish species and how these animals defend themselves against infections.


Photo credit: Joe Ryder

Di you get your worms?

Great Saturday at the LIA with Dr. Sharon Pochron and her students Clara Tucker and Miles Todaro. Visitors enjoy touching worms (yes they did it) and asking zillions of questions about these little creatures and the impact of the pesticides we are using in our gardens  on their biology.

Sharon Pochron

January 20, 2018 – Earthworms!

Everyone loves clean food! But when soil is dirty, worms are the first to taste it.

Meet with Sharon and find out what soil pollution does to worms and what it means for our food.

Photo credit: Sharon Pochron in

Want to learn more about Sharon and her research at SBU, visit the guest page or go to