Do you know that horseshoe crabs have 9 eyes and they use their tails for righting themselves if they are flipped over by a wave? Aquarium visitors learnt many fun facts about this prehistoric but peaceful creature with the help of Justin Bopp from StonyBrook University.
The 200-million-year-old arthropod that saves lives
Saturday December 16th
Justin Bopp
Learn about the fascinating life history and characteristics of the arthropod that has walked with dinosaurs- the American horseshoe crab. Horseshoe crabs have been used in the biomedical industry and have saved thousands of human lives. Come see and touch horseshoe crab molts.
Photo credit :
Echo Sounding
Mapping sea floor
November 18, 2017
Roger Flood, Stony Brook University.
What does the ocean floor look like? Haven’t we found everything on the sea floor already? What is bathymetry? Meet with a Marine geologist and get the answer to those intriguing questions and much more. Discover that the ocean floor is not completely flat and has many interesting features, some of which are completely different from those on land.
Drs. Roger Flood and Kamazima Luiza presenting an EchoBoat which can be used to create the maps of the floor of Setauket Harbor needed for studying and managing this important resource. Photo Credit Anne McElroy (09/23/2017). More info:
Which fish for dinner?
Choosing Fish Wisely: Recognizing and Preventing Overexposure to Mercury in Fish
Saturday October 21st
Maureen Murphy, Stony Brook University.
The story of mercury in the environment is complex but it is also fascinating in that mercury is a naturally occurring element. The story includes intriguing science on how mercury enters into the ecosystem and how it is transformed to more toxic forms by microorganisms, how it biomagnifies in the food chain, how that translates to levels of methylmercury in different fish species, and ultimately how it ends up inside of us.
Meet with the project coordinator of The Gelfond Fund for Mercury Research & Outreach and learn about mercury cycles.
Life in a drop of water
Darcy Lonsdale, Stony Brook University
September 16, 2017
Plankton includes all organisms (algae, animals, bacteria) that drift with ocean currents. They are unbelievably abundant and important within the marine environment. In fact, most of the earth’s biomass consists of plankton adrift in the oceans. Join us and meet a local marine zooplankton specialist to observe and learn about those wonderful and amazing organisms.
Professor Darcy Lonsdale speaks to students at Lake Ronkonkoma before they take samples.
Photo by Phil Corso – April 14, 2015 (
Invite a marine organism at home
On Saturday 19th of August, LIA visitors had the opportunity to discover and observe local seaweeds, invertebrates and little fish they can use to build their own pet zoo. They received tons of advice from the Abrams’ team. Excitement and fun guaranteed! Thanks to Stephen Abrams, Laura Bonilla and Jacob Murphy.
Build an Underwater Zoo
August 19, 2017
Meet with Steve Abrams, a local scientist and aquarist, and learn how to build and maintain your own underwater zoo using amazing local invertebrate creatures such as crab, shrimp, snail, anemone, cray fish, and insects. Come and discover more about marine and fresh water life on Long Island.