Robert Thacker

Sponges & Bryozoans of Long Island, March 23 2024



















Where did you go to school?

Duke University & University of Michigan

What is your area of research?

Ecology and evolution of marine invertebrates with an emphasis on sponges.

Who or what inspired you to become involved in marine science?

Courses at the Duke University Marine Lab and conducting research at Bangor University (UK) as an undergraduate.

What qualities do you think are important in order to become a scientist?

Curiosity about the natural world

Why is your research topic important?

Understanding biodiversity is fundamental for efforts to conserve and protect natural environments

What will you be bringing with you to the “meet with an Oceanographer” day?

Settlement plates of sponges and bryozoans from Long Island

What is the best advice you have for people interested in becoming involved in your field of research or in marine sciences?

Join citizen science programs focused on marine environments

What is your favorite ocean organism?

A photosynthetic sponge, Xestospongia bocatorensis


Link to Bob Lab web page