Bruker Innova Atomic Force Microscope includes:
- stacked piezo XY and Z scanners with resolutions as high as <0.02 and <0.01 nm, respectively
- high precision XYZ motorized stage
- optical AFM head for contact, tapping, lateral force, and phase imaging AFM and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)
- optical AFM head for co-localization and tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS), improving Raman spatial resolution to <20 nm in XY and Raman scattering efficiency by >1,000-fold
- on-axis optical microscope with high-resolution (HR) video camera
- Trackball-guided motorized AFM optical coupler to Renishaw spectrometer that includes separate video optics, Raman interface IRIS software, a long working distance 60x objective for off-axis illumination of the AFM probe tip (~60° to probe axis) and collection of Raman scattered emissions.
- Special AFM-TERS package – tuning fork cartridge and Au-wire probes for non-conducting samples (biologicals and organic polymers)
- liquid MicroCell for aqueous AFM measurements
- NanoDrive control and NanoScope Image Analysis software
AFM images (left to right: height, tapping amplitude and 3D topography) of dual-phase polymer film acquired in tapping mode
Image of a gold TERS tip engaging the sample surface and its reflection obtained by video camera in Renishaw optical coupler to the AFM.