A Threat to Journalists

In The News About News: American Journalism in Peril, authors Leonard Downie Jr. and Robert G. Kaiser discuss the accountability that journalism brings into focus for public figures. “Anyone tempted to abuse power looks over his or her should to see if someone else is watching. Ideally, there should be a reporter in the rearview mirror”, it reads.


While this statement is true, one cannot help but wonder what we call the form of being a watchdog in the technologically advancing world we live in today? What happens when its not the journalist prying into the lives of people of power, but the entire country? Well, that is what happened when the people above created YouTube.

Last week, Congressman Michael Grimm was answering a NY1 reporter’s questions, and when the topic of allegations regarding his campaign finances, we walked out of the shot and refused to answer anything “off topic”. After signing off, the reporter was still being filmed and Grimm aggressively approached the young man, threatening to throw him off the balcony and “break him in half”. He then proceeded to call him a “boy”. (Because nothing de-masculanizes someone more than calling them a boy).

So here is my question: How did Congressman Michael Grimm, a public figure, think he would get away with threatening a journalist in the 21st tech-century? With YouTube at everybody’s fingertips, it is merely impossible for him to try to say “I did have have violent relations with that man.” Surely enough, the story went viral in a matter of hours. Newspapers like The New York Times published their take on the incident, but the papers were irrelevant at this point. Video footage circulated, and he will never be able to live this barbaric moment down.

So here is my advice: Whether you are a public figure or just John Doe on the streets of Manhattan, remember that everyone around you is now a journalist. This new phenomenon of the public taking journalistic action when they see something “newsworthy” is something no one should try to fight, but accept instead. Always remember that there is a camera around you, a microphone, and a journalist looking to get the scoop on your slip up. And also remember to smile and say cheese (mainly because you will probably have to pay money to make the public stop talking about you) when you do get caught.

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