Stony Brook University



Minghua Zhang, co-Principal Investigator
Climate Modeling and Climate Change
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
Phone: 631-632-8781

Henry Bokuniewicz
Coastal Zone Management
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-8674

Bruce Brownawell
Marine pollutions and contaminants
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-8781

Robert Cerrato
Benthic Ecology
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-8666

Edmund Chang
Atmospheric Dynamic and Diagnoses
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-6170

Brian Colle
Coastal Meteorology and Forecasting
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-3174

Anthony Dvarskas
Environmental Economics and Coastal Engineering
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-8781

Charles N. Flagg
Coastal Ocean Kinematics and Dynamics
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-3184

Arie E. Kaufman
Computational Sciences and Visualization
Computer Science Dept. – Stony Brook University
Phone: 631-632-8428

Hyemi Kim
Climate Variability/Tropical Meteorology
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-8628

Wuyin Lin
Climate System Modeling
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-3141

Ping Liu
Climate Changes Dynamic and Modeling
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-3195

Kamazima Lwiza
Remote Sensing and Physical Oceanography
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-8781

Christine O’Connell
Marine Policy and Management
School of Journalism, Stony Brook University
Phone: 631-632-2130

Martin A.A. Schoonen
Stony Brook University
Phone: 631-632-8007

Larry Swanson
Marine Policy and Management
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-8704

Guodong Sun
Sustainable Energy
Stony Brook University
Phone: 631-632-3241

Joseph J. Tanski
Coastal Processes
New York Sea Grant
Phone: 631-632-8730

Harold W. Walker
Civil Engineering
Stony Brook University
Phone: 631-632-6315

Robert E. Wilson
Estuarine and coastal ocean dynamic
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Phone: 631-632-8689