A series of mechanical testing equipments that are capable of carrying out almost all of mechanical testing tasks.
(1) MTS Mini Bionix II Testing System
(2) MTS 810 Testing System
(3) MTS Tytron™ 250 Testing System
(4) BOSE ElectroForce Testbench
All of the necessary facilties and equipments for culturing cells.
(1) LabGard ES (Energy Saver) NU-425 Class II, Type A2 Biosafety Cabinet
(2) Binder Cell CO₂ Incubators
(3) VWR Water Bath
(4) Forma Scientific Centrifuge
(5) Eppendorf 5417r Centrifuge
DLAR, with 26 administrative, veterinary and technical personnel, provides quality animal care for over 15 species of laboratory animals located in five facilities on campus. The School of Medicine, and the Departments of Anatomical Sciences, Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Ecology and Evolution, Neurobiology and Behavior, Marine Biology, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Physiology and Biophysics, Pharmacological Sciences, and Psychology, receive approximately $36 million of funding for essential animals research annually.
(1) Bone Quantitative Ultrasound
(2) Quantitative Ultrasound Computed Tomography
(3) Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ultrasound
(4) Acoustic Image
(5) Acoustic Radiation Force
(1) HP superworkstation
(2) ASUS superworkstation
(1) Scanco Micro-computed tomography 40
(2) Scanco Medical VivaCT 40
(3) Hysitron Nanoindenter
(1) Zeiss Two Photon Cofocal Imaging Microscopic System
(2) Olympus Cofocal Microscope X51
(3) A series of other microscopes for daily use