Year: 2017

Final Project: Maternal Connections

Personal Statement:  My vision for this photographic series was to create a thread of images focusing on the maternal lineage in my home. My parents are currently the only living branches of these ancestries—so this project has brought to me more of an understanding of personal family history. These eleven photos are loaded with symbolic…Continue Reading Final Project: Maternal Connections

Preview: Final Project

For the final project, I wanted to create a narrative photography series based upon maternal connections–mainly the precious pearls of wisdom that our mothers pass down to us. Using several props (mirror from my paternal great grandmother and pearls from maternal grandmother) I wanted to focus on the maternal lineages and strength that the women…Continue Reading Preview: Final Project

Project 5: Portraiture of a Family Album

Reflection: For this project, I wanted to create a series based upon time-evolving portraits. The first two images of the series are of my paternal grandfather and my maternal great uncle. Both passed away before I was born and they were two people I would have desperately wanted to meet. My paternal grandfather was a…Continue Reading Project 5: Portraiture of a Family Album

Sharing Online Portraits

Two photographers that I took a great interest in throughout our course of study are Duane Michals and Vivian Maier. I became very interested in the use of mirrors in photographic images that both artists created. The images are compelling and have such an element of intrigue to them. In some ways, the images have…Continue Reading Sharing Online Portraits

Project 4: Narrative – Unravelling

For our storytelling and narrative project, I was inspired by the genre of portrait photography. My main purpose was to portray a timeline of a human unravelling. Similarly to a unfolding flower, I focused on capturing the beginning stages of human-flowering. Beginning with a tightly closed fetal-like position and working towards a crawl– a sudden…Continue Reading Project 4: Narrative – Unravelling

Project 3: Fainting | Dizziness While Walking

For this series of photographs, I wanted to focus upon dizziness while walking. I wanted to capture the viewpoint and feeling of the precise moment one knows they are about to faint.  A few times a month, I experience fainting spells due to anemia. Anemia restricts your body’s ability to absorb proper nutrients, mainly iron….Continue Reading Project 3: Fainting | Dizziness While Walking

Project 3: Fainting Spells| In My Room

For this project, I chose to create a photo series about fainting. I have a condition which causes occasional fainting spells. The goal of this project is to produce artwork that portrays how dizziness and fainting look from my perspective. ISO 800 f/22 1/3s 18-55@18mm ISO 800 f/22 1/80s 18-55@18mm ISO 800 f/22 1/15s 18-55@18mm…Continue Reading Project 3: Fainting Spells| In My Room