An Introduction

To those who find themselves on my page,

Welcome! My name is Samara Steinbock. I am a student at Stony Brook University double majoring in Studio Art and Environmental Studies (marine concentration).

A little introduction to me: To start with the basics, I’m finishing up my second year of college. I grew up loving the arts–all of them. I had an endless collection of notebooks that I drew in, I studied (and still study) piano, guitar, and voice, and I liked to be in the school theater events. On the other hand, I also grew up playing in the ocean and trying to get as much time of my life as possible spent in the water. That’s probably how I ended up with a major in two fields that aren’t generally thought of as very related.

We just finished up our spring semester of 2021 so the first thing I will be posting on this blog is my projects from ARS 205 along with a little information on each.

Hope you enjoy!

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