
I will never take looking at my pencil as I draw for granted again. We came to class (on Zoom, of course) on one of the first days and had exercises where the professor would give us a picture to draw. The catch was, it was blind line art, so you can’t look at your hand as you draw.

As you can imagine, most of the times I looked down in horror to see what I had drawn when I finished the earliest sketches–which were flowers, a tree…etc. They were…interesting. But as we continued, I got more used to it and the finished products turned out better. I wound up liking the simple, minimalistic, sometimes abstract effect of the drawings from this technique.

Eventually, we drew ourselves from a mirror, and it turned out to look very interesting. After the drawing in pen was made, we then rendered the line in wire. I put the wire against black for the first photo for contrast, and in the second photo, against the wall to get a shadow.

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