
My name is Sayid Yasin, and I am currently a Senior at Stony Brook University, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Health Science. After graduating this May, I will immediately continue with my Master of Science in Applied Health Informatics
I have elected to specialize in Healthcare Informatics as part of my major. I came to this concentration unintentionally—in an effort to diversify my educational portfolio, I decided to take courses in computer programming during my sophomore year. It was this decision that helped me realize the importance software plays in our lives on a daily basis; not only does software make our lives easier, it allows us to become more efficient, giving us the freedom to spend more time on other activities. Since then, I have sought to pursue a path which will allow me to work in a hybrid field between healthcare and computer science–a field which emphasizes higher quality of care, higher productivity potential, whilst lowering errors and costs.
I also have a passion for effective and stylistic communication through written language. As scholars become more specialized in their fields, there is often a disparity between how these scholars must communicate with the general public and other authorities in their fields. Since I will inevitably be challenged with this difficulty in my field, I chose to minor in Writing and Rhetoric.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my ‘blogfolio’. Visit each of the tabs on top to learn more about my experience, qualifications, and activities. A copy of my résumé is available here. Additionally, please feel free to read my Professional Autobiography.