Publications and Studies
Below are some of the labs that currently use the SCAN Center, please click on the link for more information on each study. If you are interested in volunteering for a study please contact the lab not the center.
Lab of Dr. Hoi-Chung Leung
This lab focuses on understanding the functional organization of the human prefrontal cortex and its interactions with other cortical and subcortical areas. Recently, they are investigating the prefrontal cortex’s role in controlling information processing and motor/oculomotor response. They also examine how abnormality of the prefrontal cortex affects cognition. The lab utilizes functional MRI, eye tracking and ERP techniques in their research.
The lab also has a current project examining working memory and control of movements in Parkinson’s disease. In particular, we use functional MRI to study how medications that boost dopamine affect these behaviors and their associated patterns of brain activation.
If you are interested in participating in one of our studies, please contact us at or call (631) 632-7849. To find out more about Dr. Leung’s lab/studies click here:
Lab of Dr. Turhan Canli Ph.D.
The Canli lab uses fMRI to answer questions about individual differences in emotion and cognition. We are seeking healthy volunteers for a variety of studies that may include up to 1.5 hours in the scanner, questionnaires, a life events interview, saliva sampling, and a blood draw. Total participation time is between 1 and 4 hours. Payment is typically $20 per hour, with an additional $20 for a blood draw. See our flyer for additional details regarding eligibility and contact information.
Lab of Dr. Lilly Mujica-Parodi, Ph.D.
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Lab of Dr. Ramin Parsey, MD, Ph.D.
Lab of Dr. Aprajita Mohanty, Ph.D.