Project One: The Sequence

For this assignment, we were tasked with coming up with our own sequence photos. It could be about anything, but it had to be 24 photos. Out of the two main options – narrative and structural – I chose to make my sequence a structural one.


Initially, I wanted to do a narrative with my teddy bears. I wanted to show them dating, getting married, and then end it with a family photo. However, the pictures weren’t turning out how I wanted them to and I grew frustrated and abandoned the idea. Next, decided I wanted to take a picture of the sky for each hour of the day. Sure, I wouldn’t be able to sleep properly, but that was okay with me. I was waiting for the weekend to do it (because of the whole sleeping, class, and work, issue), but then came the rain. And so, that idea too, was abandoned.



An idea of what the teddy bears would look like.







Because of the rain, I was stuck for a while on thinking what I could take pictures of. Then while on my to class I spotted a puddle and thought that that would be a subject for a photo, especially if I caught the reflection of something in the puddle. However, the photos didn’t turn out to well. I even went to Lightroom to try and edit them so that the reflection shows better, but the only color that it recognized was an ugly yellow-green color. So I ditched that idea as well.


The ugly puddle.







Finally, I settled on my final idea. It would be a structural piece featuring a specific color – red. In order to make what I was doing a bit more obvious, I made the photos black and white, with red being the only colorful part of the picture.



A sample of my final piece.

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