1 Correct exposure
1/100 5.6 ISO 200
2 Over exposure
1/25 5.6 +/- +2 ISO 200
3 Under exposure
1/400 5.6 +/- -2 ISO 200
4 High ISO
1/250 10 ISO 1600
5 Low ISO
1/320 11 ISO 100
6 Correct White Balance Setting [5200k]
1/200 8.0 +/- +1/3 ISO 200
7 Alternative White Balance Setting [7000k]
1/200 8.0 +/- +1/3 ISO 200
8 Alternative White Balance Setting [3200k]
1/200 8.0 +/- +1/3 ISO 200
9 Shallow Depth of Field
1/500 4.5 ISO 200
10 Deep Depth of Field
1/8 36 ISO 200
11 Standard (Straight-forward) angle of view upon subject
1/250 9.0 ISO 200
12 Alternative angle of view of subject
1/200 8.0 ISO 200
13 Stopping of rapid motion (use fast shutter speed)
1/125 16 ISO 100
14 Blurring of rapid motion (use slow shutter speed)
1/500 4.5 ISO 200