© 2017 kim63

Project 4 Portrairure

<When they are working>

My portraiture series <When they are working> shows the relationship between an individual and what they are endeavoring for their life. I took pictures of people when they are working in their workspace.

First of all, I took two self-portraiture when I was taking a photograph. The photography is what I have to do as a student who is majoring in art. For this semester, I carry my camera everywhere because I am taking two photography courses; digital and analog.

The third and fourth photographs are for the portraits of someone I know. The man in the third picture is my friend Michael. He is working at the Korean restaurant ‘Ssambap’. Michael and I became a friend because I often went to the ‘Ssambap’ to eat Korean dishes. When I planned to take the portraiture series that people work, Michael was the first person who comes to my mind. Whenever I visit the kitchen, he is always working hard in his place.

The fourth photograph is about my classmate Gabby. Gabby and I am taking the ARS 420 (Studio Art Seminar). For this class, assigned students prepare their exhibition on every Wednesday. In the last week, Gabby let the audience paint on her body as a performance art for the class. She has meaningful aim to do this performance. As a painter, she has an interest in interactive art; furthermore, she would like to be an art therapist. In this show, some people paint on her body and the others enjoyed the performance itself. And I took a picture of her because she looks happy with her artwork.

The last two pictures are for the portraits of someone I do not know. To take a photograph of the strangers, I had to ask for permission from them. Some people just said no because they are so shy in front of the camera. When I ask for permission in the store, people rejected it because of the store policy; Do not photograph in the store! In the theater section of the Stella, I met the people who are majoring in theater art.  I asked them and they let me take their picture. Interestingly, they were so natural and non-artificial in front of the camera. Whenever I take a portrait, people are usually aware of the camera and it became awkward; however, they did not care about the camera and just showed their passion for the acting.



Sohee 1, 2017




Sohee 2, 2017




Michael, 2017




Gabby, 2017




Stranger 1: Theater arts student, 2017




Stranger 2: Theater arts student, 2017




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