• Dr. Laura Hogan: Studied cells pertaining to pediatric cancer; learned laboratory skills and methods.
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Dr. Hogan specializes in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology and is doing research to help overcome the challenges that cancer survivors face.
• Dr. Harriet Waters: Helped identify scripts used to study children and adults attachments in interviews for test and re-test assessment.
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Dr. Waters specializes in Social and Health Psychology. Her research interests include mental representations of early experience, social cognition, cognitive development.
• Dr. Genna Hymowitz: Analyzed the psychological pretests of bariatric surgery to identify patient mental well-being.
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Dr. Hymowitz specializes in Clinical Psychology. Her research interests include providing individual and group evidence-based psychological interventions for weight management, smoking cessation, chronic pain, and insomnia, and depression and anxiety related to chronic medical illnesses. Her work focuses on nvestigating biopsychosocial factors related to chronic medical conditions including obesity and gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorders.
• Matthew Lerner: Analyzed data on sibling relationships of children with ASD and TD siblings; Researched and scored literature on topics pertaining to mental health services for children and teens with ASD; Learned how to conduct EEG tests.
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