About Our Members

Leader: Priya Shah priya.shah@stonybrook.edu

Hi, I’m Priya, studying Information Systems and Psychology at Stony Brook. I have the role of Team Leader for Stony Study Guide. I’m responsible for making sure my team members are collaborating well and up to date on their responsibilities to the team.

Secretary:Mari Ulloa  mari.ulloa@stonybrook.edu

My name is Mari, I’m a student here at Stony Brook University, studying Applied Math with a minor in Computer Science. I am the Team’s Secretary, in charge of documenting and displaying my team’s updates and progress in a professional and organized manner.

Researcher: Jasmine Yohannan

Hi I’m Jasmine Yohannan, the Researcher for the StonyStudyGuide, which means that I am responsible for looking into any technical information we might need. I am a junior here at Stony Brook majoring in Information Systems with a minor in journalism.