Leaving so soon?! Don’t forget about these!!


Congratulation graduates! You guys did it and we are so proud of you! From the student consultants of Teaching, Learning, Technology, we want to remind you of all the cool things you can take with your as you enter the real world.

Don’t forget though! After you graduate, your NetID will be deactivated in 200 days! That means you can not access Blackboard, Lynda, Google Apps Account & more! What are you going to do with all those important assignments and projects you worked so hard on?! (Trust me, you can do a lot with them.) So I am here to let you know all the things you can do in those 200 days to ensure that you can keep your creations.

As soon-to-be-Stony-Brook-University Alumni, we are lucky that there are services that we can take with us post graduation at no additional cost. How cool is that? But first you have to know what you can take with you, right?

Drum roll please!

SBU Graduates can (and probably should)…

  • Request a Stony Brook Alumni Google Apps Account
  • Create a Google Archive of all your current Google Apps account stuff (Email. Drive, etc)
  • Keep their professional (E)portfolio for life
  • Continue (or think about starting to) blogging about their life as they transition into the real world through SB You Edublog platform.


Stony Brook Alumni Google Apps Account  Please, for the love of Wolfie, get a Stony Brook Alumni Google Apps Account! It will become the log in email address for E-Portfolio (Digication) and SB You Blogs. Not to mention you get a bunch of perks to!

  • Email Quota of 25GB
  • Google Drive file storage space 5GB
  • Total 30GB storage (compared to 15GB)
  • Your email will end in @alumni.stonybrook.edu (the best part, honestly)

For more details, Visit the SBU Division of Information Technology page on Requesting a Google Apps Account on the Alumni Domain


Google Archive If you choose to decide to not get an Alumni Google Account and you just want to take your stuff and leave, it’s cool. Here’s another way to get your 4 years of blood, sweat and tears onto your personal computer.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Log into your Google Apps for Education with your NetID and NetID Password (Stonybrook.edu/mycloud)
  2. Open new tab: Go to www.google.com/settings/takeout
  3.  Click Create Archive to start the process (of course, you want to make sure you choose what you want and leave out what you do not).
  4. Just remember, the more your archive, the longer it will take. You can opt for an email notification if you don’t got time for that.

If you need any help, click on “Google Archive” on the top and it will lead you to the SBU DoIT web page on how to create an archive (there are pictures too!)


Digication: E-Portfolio  Remember those E-Portfolio Workshops during WRT102? Or E-Porfolio workshops in general? Or maybe not. If you probably just discovered E-portfolio just from this post, GREAT! You really can keep your e-portfolio that you created (or going to create) forever.

Just remember to REQUEST that Alumni Email Address!!  hint: That is going to be your log in username when your NetID becomes deactivated.

After you have your alumni email address…

  1. E-mail eportfolio@stonybrook.edu to change your e-portfolio account from “student” to “alumni”.
  2. Go to http://stonybrook.digication.com and click “login as alumni/guest” link to log in (You might want to wait so that who ever is receiving the email at eportfolio@stonybrook.edu actually switches the status of your account.)
  3. Log in with e-mail and password! Any questions go to Eportfolio@stonybrook.edu

Please check out SBU’s E-Portfolio 123Help site on how to keep your e-portfolio after graduating:  Can I keep my E-Portfolio after I graduate?


SB You This edublogging platform is fairly new to the university and now we can get it FOR LIFE as well?! This is awesome! You can learn the different features of wordpress and fall in love with the blogosphere. There are many creatives ways on how you can utilize this service and it will definitely help with your online presence.

So like E-portfolio, please have your alumni email address ready to go!

After that…

  1. Sign into your SB You Account with your NetID (while it’s still fresh!).
  2. Add the alumni email account as an administrator to your SB You Site(s). To do this: go to Dashboard > Users > Add New > Put your SBU Alumni Email address > Change Role to Administrator > Click User button.
  3. Check Alumni account inbox for an email from SB You (WordPress) for a temporary password.  Remember: NetID will expire in 200 days however in the mean time, you can use your NetID/PW to log into SB You.
  4. Log into SB  You Site(s) via: https://you.stonybrook.edu/YOUR-SITE-NAME/wp-login.php
  5. Click Guest Login
  6. Log in with alumni email and temporary password received from WordPress.

There are more instructions on the DoIT Website on SB You for you to follow, please check it out here.

Whew, that was a lot of information! 

That’s all folks! Congratulations on ending a very important chapter in your life. These services are provided to Stony Brook Graduates/ soon-to-be-alumni because it will help with keeping a professional profile and presence online. Use it to your liking but remember that having an Stony Brook Alumni Email means you are always and forever a Seawolf!

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About Lillian.Luu@stonybrook.edu

Lillian L is a pursuing a degree in Psychology and is passionate about education, health & fitness, and technology. She hopes to find the perfect job that incorporates all three but for now she is a powerlifter who works in the Division of Information Technology at SBU as a Student Technologist.

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