- Research Assistant, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) [August 2017 – Present]
- Evaluate the effect of different TAVR deployment positions on the device anchorage to the native aortic root (AR) using patient-specific numerical models
- Recreate patients’ AR in ITK-SNAP, and polymeric surgical valve as well as leaflets in ANSY SpaceClaim and MATLAB, and simulate TAVR procedure in Abaqus
- Research Assistant, Platelet Activation Studies [June 2015 – May 2017]
- Used several experimental and mathematical tools to study shear-induced platelet activation, presented the research result in Annual URECA Celebration 2016-2017, Stony Brook University, NY, and published an abstract in BMEs, 2015 Annual meeting, Tampa, FL.
- Exposed platelets and other blood components to programmed dynamic high shear stress in the Hemodynamic Shearing Device (HSD)
- Compared the platelet and blood response through the method of flow cytometry, differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and chromogenic assays.
- Analyzed the experimental data in Microsoft Excel and SPSS