Through these previously stated perspectives, it is clearly understood that there are various benefits as well as annoyances with dictation technology. A series of research studies and news articles reveals the potential benefits of dictation software including quicker documentation while maintaining accuracy in healthcare settings. With the proper training and resources available, the chance of physicians favoring the use of dictation software is only enhanced. Yet realistically, it is unclear how much training each physician receives, and it is doubtful that training is uniform across hospitals or clinics. Therefore, the perspectives provided by the physicians through Twitter, Quora, and other social media posts should be kept in mind when making a decision to implement or mandate the use of such technology. They express annoyance and frustration at the software due to accuracy errors and the need to proofread. At the same time, it is important to understand that these are biased perspectives that may not be a good reflection of the general population. It is important to recognize that people content with such technology would not usually express it over social media as the content would lack entertainment and relevance to the general public. Coupled with the fact that each healthcare professional is individual in typing capabilities as well as comfort with technology, it is hard to truly gauge the benefit of dictation software from their perspective. Yet, the more unbiased perspective through the majority of research and news articles demonstrate a noticeable trend of positive effects that dictation software has on efficiency and accuracy of documentation. Dictation software, like any other technology, is also constantly being improved upon and updated so that these benefits will only be enhanced over time. Thus, with the proper training and implementation of such technology, its benefits can be amplified across clinical settings.
Dictation Software: Understanding the Transformation of Writing in Healthcare
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